UT – Judy v Obama – Strike Out…

Poor Judy does not understand that default is not automatic, and that since he failed to state a claim upon which he may be granted relief.

In response, Judy filed a motion for rehearing “en Blanc”… I kid you not… A petition for rehearing en Banc asks the full court to render judgment. Given the frivolous nature of the case, this will not go anywhere.

Arpaio’s internal contradictions.

A hilarious interview with ‘Sheriff’ Arpaio who is trying to defend his claims that the birth certificate is fraudulent but is unwilling to reveal why his investigations are not done, citing “on-going investigation”. And yet, he is willing to already make the claim of ‘fraudulent’.

What a joker, and those people who believe that there is any evidence for ‘probable cause’ need to realize that the work of his so-called ‘experts’ has been largely debunked. And nobody really cares about Arpaio’s ‘investigations’ anymore.

NC – Sovcit – No you cannot coin your own money

Von NotHaus, who will be sentenced next month, had argued that federal laws prohibiting counterfeit currency were unconstitutional, and he said prosecutors didn’t present enough evidence to prove he intended to violate those laws.
“When the people own the money, they control the government,” von NotHaus said in 1999. “When the government owns the money, it controls the people.”
The judge dismissed his arguments that anti-counterfeit laws infringed the public’s right to privately barter, and von NotHaus’ claims it was not illegal to compete with the Federal Reserve.


DC – US v Class – Petition Habeas Corpus denied

11/17/2014 166  LEAVE TO FILE DENIED – Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus submitted by Dwight Class, non-party, as to RODNEY CLASS. “Leave for non-party to file petition DENIED,” signed by Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts on 11/13/14. This document is unavailable as the Court denied its filing. (A copy of the front page of the document mailed to RODNEY CLASS and Dwight Class.)(mlp) (Entered: 11/17/2014)


DV – Klayman SCOTUS – Denied.

Klayman is not getting any traction.

Larry Elliott Klayman, Petitioner
Mark Zuckerberg, et al.
Docketed: September 15, 2014
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Case Nos.: (13-7017)
Decision Date: June 13, 2014

~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sep 11 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due October 15, 2014)
Oct 29 2014 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of November 14, 2014.
Nov 17 2014 Petition DENIED.

FL – State v Trussell – Fifth Amendment

Slim Cognito at the Fogbow has done a partial transcription of Terry’s latest ‘interview’

And Terry keeps speaking in public about the events surrounding his arrest… Does he not understand that anything he says will be used against him? He freely testified against himself to the FDLE and now he is giving them more. Fascinating…

“I was called for jury duty, grand jury.  They asked for a volunteer for foreman.  I raised his hand. . I like to run things.    I was charged with the responsibility of looking out for public corruption, communism, communistic organizations and efforts being made in the county.  A member of the public brought information to me, the Common Core curriculum.  The way it was presented to me, I did initial investigation.  It was my responsibility.  I prepared little package.  I asked the state attorney to convene the grand jury.   He finally agreed.  He set a date.  I asked the SA to do three things, 1. Send out jury instructions.  2. Send a copy of FL supreme court grand jury handbook and 3 send a copy of US constitution, with instructions to read before meeting.  He sent out the rule book from the supreme court and instructions but not the constitution and not suggestion that they read all of this.  They were not prepared.  The SA, contrary to his statutes, and instructions put before the court,  violated a number of statues and he also violated my position as grand jury foreman to the point he committed felonies.  I think about eight was the total.

I quickly called an end to the session to void the grand jury session because he corrupted it.  I quickly put together a 7-page report to the judge.  I outlined everything that occurred.  What I said was his infractions, presented to the judge, who to this day has never responded.  Instead she referred it to the chief judge. I then filed a copy because I was getting very concerned about the way the court was handling things.  I presented a copy to the sheriff.  The clerk of court recorded those documents.  About two hours after that, she pulled them back out.  Now that’s a felony in itself.   That is federal and state violations and the federal is 10 years in prison with fine, state is 3 years in prison with fine. Apparently that’s not considered a crime because nothing’s been done.

I gave a copy of allegations to sheriff.  I have not received any acknowledgement from any of them.  No investigations, no findings, no response at all.  I went several days before I finally got a response out of chief judge but he didn’t respond.  He charged me with failing to reach out to him when I had the problem with the SA and basically it was all my fault.   It was several days before I found out this guy was in existence,  I think he was just trying to cover himself.

I found out some people were putting together the people’s grand jury.  I contacted them.  They said they would consider the case.  I tried it with the people of the statutory grand jury but it was corrupted so I will try it with the People’s Grand Jury formed under common law.  I presented this to them and they issued a true bill on the common core curriculum.  I also presented the case that I had with the SA.  They issued a true bill on that.  I filed that and took them to the sheriff.  I said I’m done.  I did my duty.  I did what I swore to do and this is over.

The next thing I know I’m getting a call from the FDLE.  I was anxious to talk to them and explain o them what was going on.  I expected them to investigate my allegations both on CC and the SA.  Instead they were investigating me.  During a second interrogation, they started it with where did I find statues that gave me the right to form a grand jury and take my own actions,   _____ went right over their heads.  They said, “Well did you have your grand jury sworn in by a judge?”  I said first of all it’s not my grand jury, it’s the people’s grand jury.  I didn’t force the people to come together and d this.  They did it because they were worried about the way things were handled.  I said, No, a judge didn’t swear them in.  They were sworn in by the clerk.  I think this grand jury even had a sgt. at arms.  They can do pretty much anything they want because they’re the people. . This is the peoples grand jury.”

Now I’m the subject of the investigation.  I answered all of their questions.  I showed them the law.  I’m not talking statutes.  I’m talking law, according to the supreme court. Several of the supreme court justices have rendered opinions about common law grand juries or grand juries under the common law.  This is the interpretation of the constitution and the Magna Carta.  Their parting comment was “We are going to have to find something to charge with Mr. Trussell with.  We’re going to take all this stuff back to our team of attorneys, with the FDLE.”  They are going to have to search through the statutes to see what fits and give it to a special judge and have him render a judgements on it.  For abut 3-4 weeks nothing happened.  I thought they realized I did everything according to the constitution and the law.  I was very careful to follow the instructions of the court and the supreme court handbook,  They came back  3-4 weeks later.  Sep. 2, I heard some noise outside my gate.  There were two sheriff deputies with body armor on.  They said they had a warrant for my arrest, impersonating public official, simulating legal process, intimidating public officials under color of law.   They made a count for each person intimidated.  They threatening to put me in prison for 70 years, 3 charges, 14 counts.

One of the things I challenged them to explain was the nature and cause of the charges.  How did I impersonate the public official.  They haven’t named that yet.  There is no criminal complaint involved in this case.  There is no indictment by a SA.  There is no presentment by a grand jury as required.  [NBC: No presentment or indictment required as this is not a capital case] The warrant was not even signed but had a sheriff deputy’s name printed where the judge’s name should be.  No valid warrant.  When they finally sent the warrant through, the way it’s written its not a complete sentence.  There is no verb.  It is nonsensical.  The order doesn’t make any sense.  Its a contradictory sentence.  Everything about this nobody can figure out.  The information that was filed came three weeks after my arrest and the information is supposed to be in place before the warrant is even signed. [NBC: That is incorrect as well. All that needs to be in place if a probable cause warrant.] Plus they still don’t have the statement of nature and cause of charges.  They refuse to give them to me.

At my first arraignment, people were filing into the courtroom and he started the proceeding before people were _____.  He called my named three times.  I said, “I’m here.”   I had bailiffs standing behind me.  I thought they would help me get my information to the judge.  I know I’m not supposed to go past the bar (the gate) until I’m invited.  I never heard the judge’s invitation because of all the noise.  Then said the judge said “He’s not here. ________.”   At this time, while the judge is walking out of the courtroom, the bailiff comes over, puts me in handcuffs and put me in jail.  I stayed for 21 days before I could get another arraignment.  I was found guilty and punished.

Then when I got to the next arraignment, I was wearing my jail outfit.  I was in shackles and chains and led to the podium. While I was standing there I appealed to the judge for a bond.  I mentioned the failure to appear.  I was under the distinct impression I was in the courtroom at the time.  I didn’t think the court had convened, too many things going on.   You can tell the chaos in the videos.  I didn’t understand what he was saying.  I have a little bit of a hearing problem.  I also mentioned the fact that he was not being very clear in the way he was speaking.  He conceded he had seen me back there but did not know who I was.  I raised my hand and stood up so he had to have seen me.  So he admitted seeing me but said “I didn’t know who you were.”  Why didn’t you ask?  Why didn’t you do something?  You saw a man standing there raising his hand.  Anyhow, that was his excuse for throwing me in jail.  He withdrew the charge of FTA of which I served 21 days in jail.  I asked for a bond.  I was already on a 5k bond.  He raised my bond to 14k.  Now I had not failed to appear.  I had done everything under the original bond, yet he almost tripled my bond.  He said I should get an attorney.  I have been talking to attorneys.  I’m just devastated _____counselors.  _____ it’s just like, I don’t know what planet they’re on.  They think if I’ve been charged, I’m guilty.  All they can do is negotiate down the charges. [NBC: that’s because you have talked about your ‘adventures’ to law enforcement and the public, making the case quite straightforward’] Nobody suggested that I didn’t do anything to violate any statutes so they are not really looking at defending me and finding me not guilty.  They’re just trying to narrow it down and I’ll only serve 10-15 years in prison.  _____

They’re spending an awful lot of money and they’ll spend an awful lot more taking me to trial.  I don’t know what to do.  I have a couple (of attorneys) who are supposed to get back to me but I haven’t heard from them and I may not.  I have put in a motion to represent myself as my natural self, as is my right, sui juris [NBC: Forgetting Florida Statutes again].  Once the judge gets this, which should be sometime this week, then he’ll have to establish a hearing where he can evaluate my competency to evaluate myself.  Even with that _____ transcript and video recording of the proceeding, even if he does qualify me to represent myself, I will have limited constitutional rights in his court.   My constitutional rights are given to me by God and now you outrank god? We’ve got a little arrogance going on here. [NBC: Yes, but by whom?]

The results of that conversations sent me to do some research.  I do have limited constitutional rights in his court.  In fact, I have no constitutional rights in his court.  All my rights are granted by statutes.   He is in a court, not of common of law and the constitution.. [NBC: Common law jurisdiction and statutory law. Since most criminal law is now statutory, he is the judge of a constitutional court]  I can only be tried in a constitutional court.  He is in a court of admiralty law signified by the fringed flag in the courtroom [NBC: Such foolishness].  That is also established by the black robe is he wearing.  I have done the research.  I have done the history of the law.  The _____ represents the railing of a ship.  When I went to the other side, I was on his ship, under his flag.  Under admiralty law, military law.  Under military law, you are guilty until proven innocent.  Only under the constitution are we innocent until proven guilty.  He was correct when he said I’d have limited constitutional rights.  The whole court will be run as a court martial.  I haven’t figured out how they justify having a jury at a court martial so they do a little bit of dance on that part of it.  I understand so much more about how our court system works in this country.  The fact that I was taken to jail the first time they could have given me a summons and required me to appear in court, which would not have required me to go to jail, lose liberty or pay for a bond.  Instead of that they chose to arrest me.  _____ they sent two armed deputies to arrest me.  They went overboard from that standpoint from a constitutional standpoint.   But remember they operate in a different court system than we think they do. [NBC: And as long as you believe that the Court is going to protect you from yourself and appoint you a lawyer.]

Paul Guthrie – Still a guest of the UK

His ‘simple case’ sounds like a tortured argument that since the courts did not accept his arguments, that he therefor should be granted asylum.


1) Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution establishes that only a “natural born” Citizen may qualify for the Office of President.

2) The term “natural born” is a legal term adjective phrase qualifier which means the legal opposite to “adopted”. The “natural born” are the offspring of citizen fathers, and the “adopted” citizens are the offspring of non-citizen fathers, who are born as “subjects” of the positive law jurisdiction of the state (federal government), and are dependent upon the positive law plenary authority of the state (lower case meaning federal government) for a bestowed “legal right” to be a citizen. They do not qualify for the Office of President because only a “natural born” citizen can qualify because my country is not a monarchy form of government that is authorized to bestow an offspring with a “legal right” to be “President”, bestowed upon the offspring at the time of birth.

3) Obama is an “adopted” citizen due to being the offspring of a non-citizen father. Thus the “United States”, as defined by both the political laws of nature, and by the Constitution, no longer exists since 2008/9, thus there is no lawful jurisdiction for Paul Guthrie to return to until Obama is removed and replaced with a legitimate “natural born” Citizen of the United States. Thus as a matter of LAW, Paul Aaron Guthrie is legally a refugee from the former Constitutional Republic of the United States, known as “The United States of America”.

Paul Guthrie

Sunday Oct 26, 2014

But he is hopeful that the UK will make its decision anytime soon

Please find several Word documents attached. These are just some of the documents that I faxed to the Home Office as part of my asylum case along with the correct definition and U.S. codes that define a natural born Citizen to be the claimed and reported offspring of a citizen father. These documents will give you some idea as to why the Home Office is now caught in a trick and crisis.
I love the projecting… The Home Office is at best amused
Today is Sunday, November 2, 2014 and still no decision from the Home Office. I don’t expect a decision until Tuesday or Wednesday. After that time, if we have not received a decision one way or another, then my patience will have run out and then I will have to call on you to begin turning up the heat, and others must call for my release from what is a criminal confinement and an act of war against the political rights of natural born Citizens of the United States.
Well, you applied for asylum, and you are held pending your review. Act of war… Oh my… I am told the Home Office is shaking in its boots. I predict another loss for our ‘Jedi’.
At least the British understand the meaning of Natural Born to refer to birth on soil 🙂

The NLA and reading the calendar

Unvailing? Monday 11/6/14?… Of course the Quo Warranto will have no relevance as they will refuse to pay the filing fees, have filed in the wrong courts, and they lack direct interest in the office.

The media will ignore them (best case scenario) or laugh at them…



We are gearing up for a massive media campaign for the unvailing of the Quo Warranto at this Monday’s meeting, join us, now is the time for all who want to save our Republic to get active.

DC – US v Class – Hudes pops by

The Rod Class DC Gun Case, 1:13-cr-00253-RWR, took an unexpected turn the morning of November 6.
Former World Bank Lawyer Karen Hudes showed up at his hearing, along with a former FBI Agent, and
several members of the AIB Radio Research Network.
Wow, all this for Rod?
Hudes, and those in attendance, were so outraged at the actions taken against the popular Legal Scholar
that Hudes intends to file an Amicus Curae into the case to demand that the Judge set bail for the 60-
year old Class. Hudes, and other concerned networks, want all interested parties to attend the Status
Conference set for (Mon) 11/10/2014 at 11:30 AM in Courtroom 9 before Chief Judge
Richard W. Roberts.
Well, with friends like them, what could possibly go wrong… Amicus Curae (sic) filing? Really… Funny people

FL – Dixie County Board of Commissioners shuts out knitting club

What did they expect? That the Board was going to give them a room in the courthouse to play ‘grand jury’ games?

According to one source who knows people who were at the Dixie County BoCC meeting on Thursday morning, Nov. 6 at 10:00, the commissioners, YOUR EMPLOYEES, were “…prepared for the speakers and shut them down.” I don’t yet know what “shut them down” fully means but the implication is that the speakers were not allowed to speak.


“Common Law” Knitting Club files embarrassing mandamus

Breaking News October 29, 2014 Unified Common Law Grand Jury files mandamus.pdf  ordering Federal Judge to show cause why he did obey the Law of the Land 


Due-process of law demands that “no person shall be held to answer for a capital crime” unless on an indictment of a Grand Jury.11 Terry George Trussell has not been indicted by a Grand Jury and therefore cannot be held to answer for a capital crime.

Do they even understand what a ‘capital crime’ is and why simulating legal service is not a capital crime. Such amateurs. Do they also fail to understand that the US 5th Amendment Grand Jury clause has not been incorporated, leaving it to the sovereignty of the State to decide how/if to implement such a statutory creature? Are they unaware that in Florida, the Grand Jury is required only in very limited circumstances?

In other news, the NLA is planning to send a Quo Warranto to all Federal courts and judges, wasting good resources and money since a Quo Warranto against a Federal Officer can only be filed in DC, and then only by the prosecutor or an interested party. The NLA is neither and therefor, the Quo Warranto will be simply ignored as the NLA is too cheap to pay for the filing fees.

As to the Supreme Court, they will just smile at the follies set in motion by dicta of Scalia in US v Williams, a ruling in which the Court weakened the Grand Jury by ruling that a prosecutor cannot be told to share exculpatory evidence with the Grand Jury.


DC – US v Class – Denied Denied and a plea bargain?

The Court denied filings of more sovcit documents

11/05/2014 163  LEAVE TO FILE DENIED – “Notice of General Appearance by the Defendant to the Court” by RODNEY CLASS. This document is unavailable as the Court denied its filing. “Leave to file DENIED,” signed by Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts on 10/29/14. (Copy of front page of document mailed to the defendant this date.) (mlp) (Entered: 11/05/2014)

11/05/2014 164  LEAVE TO FILE DENIED – “Private Citizen of the United States of America Without the Jurisdiction of “United States,” Within a Non-Military Occupied Private Estate Third Party Intervener Real Party in Interest Special Equitable Cause Special and Private, Restricted and Confidential Propriety and Priviledged Special Term,” etc., by RODNEY CLASS. This document is unavailable as the Court denied its filing. “Leave to file DENIED,” signed by Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts on 10/31/14. (Copy of front page of document mailed to the defendant this date.) (mlp) (Entered: 11/05/2014)

11/06/2014   Minute Entry; for proceedings held before Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts: Status Conference as to RODNEY CLASS held on 11/6/2014. Joint Oral request for a continuance to discuss a plea agreement; granted. Speedy Trial Time Excluded 11/6/2014 – 11/10/2014 (XT). Status Conference set for 11/10/2014 at 11:30 AM in Courtroom 9 before Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts. Bond Status of Defendant: Committed/Commitment issued; Court Reporter: William Zaremba; Defense Attorney: PRO SE/A.J. Kramer Standby Counsel; US Attorney: Jeffrey Pearlman; Pretrial Officer: Vaughn Wilson; (hs) (Entered: 11/06/2014)

FL – Terry Trussell Appeal 1D14-5024 – DCA First Circuit

Someone has filed an ‘Appeal‘ with the Florida District Court of Appeal, First Circuit. It is not clear what order is being appealed and why the Court of Appeals has any relevance at this time in the proceedings. Terry just received his arraignment… It is also not clear who filed this motion. Was it Terry?

Case Number:  1D14-5024

Final Criminal Other Notice from Dixie County
Terry George Trussell  vs.  State of Florida

Lower Tribunal Case(s): 14-201 CF

The docket shows a myriad of fails, starting with a failure to outline what order was appealed

Upon the Court’s own motion, appellant is directed to file, within 10 days from the date of this order, an amended notice of appeal which states the date of rendition of the order to be reviewed. A copy of Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.020(i), which defines “rendition,” and a sample form of an amended notice of appeal are attached to appellant’s copy of this order. The amended notice of appeal shall be filed with this Court, and not the lower tribunal. The failure of appellant to timely comply with this order could result in the imposition of sanctions, including dismissal of the appeal without further opportunity to be heard. Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.410.

Time for the appellant to educate himself with the proper rules..

Upon the Court’s own motion, appellant is directed to file within 10 days from the date of this order an amended notice of appeal which contains a proper certificate of service showing service on Pamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General.  A copy of Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.420, which defines certificate of service, and a sample form for an amended notice of appeal are attached to appellant’s copy of this order.

And follow them

Upon the Court’s own motion, appellant is directed to file within 10 days from the date of this order an amended notice of appeal which contains an original signature OF APPELLANT as required by Florida Rules of Judicial Administration 2.515(a) – (c).

And pay or file the proper forms

Appellant has filed a notice of appeal in the lower tribunal without the entry of an order of insolvency or deposit of the statutory filing fee.  Accordingly, appellant shall, within 30 days from the date of this order, either file a certified copy of the lower tribunal’s order of insolvency for appellate purposes as required by Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.430 or pay to the clerk of this Court the sum of $300.00 as the appellate filing fee required by the applicable rule of procedure and Section 35.22(3), Florida Statutes (2013).

This appeal shall not proceed until the order of insolvency is filed or the fee is paid.  If at the end of 30 days appellant has neither paid the fee nor secured an order of indigency, appellant shall show cause within 10 days thereafter why this appeal should not be dismissed.  Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.410.

Terry Trussell’s right to remain silent…

Terry has, once again, appeared in public and made recorded statements which will only serve to undermine his case. I find it troubling that Terry is not better advised to ‘remain silent’, especially in public as his statements provide the prosecution which insights into his planned defense as well as provides additional evidence that may be used to prove the necessary elements of the crimes of which Terry stands accused.

Well enjoy… Hoyt reporting… And a guest appearance from KrisAnne Hall who tries to argue that the Judge does not understand the Constitution and exposes her own ignorance.